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Step 1: Connect to the remote computer to get access to the same, in the usual way, either by entering the remote computer or partner ID or by using the IP address of the remote computer. Sending key combinations to TeamViewer remote computer

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So, without any further delay, let’s get started with how you can configure TeamViewer to send the key combinations to a remote computer to carry out your work easily on TeamViewer. However, you can simply change one single setting so that TeamViewer can send the key combination to the remote computer, and I will talk about how you can change that small setting, here. So, if you are busy working on a remote computer, not being able to use the hotkeys is really a big bottleneck. But, on TeamViewer, if you press any combination of keys, the task will be carried out locally, as the key combination will not be sent to the remote computer. The use of shortcut keys makes our work a lot simpler as we can carry out simple to most complex activities with just a few key combinations without even touching the mouse. However, there is one single problem that you might face while using TeamViewer.

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With the help of TeamViewer, you can see the output from the remote computer on your display device, and that way you can also control the remote computer, type in some text and do everything exactly the way you can do the same on your own personal computer. TeamViewer is free to use, however, you can also get a commercial license if you want to use it for business requirements. If you search on the internet for remote access software, you can find a number of options, however, TeamViewer is the best remote access application most users already count on. This is often called remote access or remote support. From time to time, we need to control other computers from our end to solve certain problems that other users are facing and can’t cope with the same.

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